Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Is A Decision Making Problemâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Ethical Dilemma Is A Decision Making Problem? Answer: Introduction The ethical dilemma is a decision making problem where it make the conflicts with moral imperative which is never acceptable or preferable. The complexity in ethical dilemma always makes some situation where it conflicts with the results to obey the ethical paradoxes. Each and every person has their own moral imperatives and completely personal ethics which they apply in their own way. Dilemma only formed when those ethics are making the conflicts between the imperative and personal ethics (Fahie 2014). A workplace is always considered as an important part of our society where the dilemmas and individuals make the conflict according to the variety of socio economic background and believes (Lachman, 2014). Therefore the employees faces several ethical issues in the workplace where the employers sometimes directly or indirectly liable for those issues due to the breach of ethical consideration and make the ethical issues which is recognized as ethical dilemma (Vardaman, Gondo and Allen 2014). Dilemma description For the employees several ethical issues can arise where they need to deal with their job where the employers make several rules as the Ethics of the office (Lachman, 2014). One of the important ethical issues can arise for the employees when employees are taking advantages about use the phone calls at the companys cost. Sometimes employees use company's assets and they took those assets in their home like stapler, pins, papers etc. When someone gets the employment in the office accounting to the office constitution they provide leaves and other allowances. However in some cases it has been found that employs take several leaves beyond the allowed number where they breach the ethical consideration (Lachman, 2014). A company always set their own rules and regulations for the employees and other people who are related with the company. There are some rules and regulations has found that employees sometimes violet the rules. Therefore they make irrespirable issues between the company and their employment which is another issue for the employees. When employees are working in the office premises he or she never allowed communicating in offensive way. The use of abusive language is offensive communication can affect the job or the employment of that employee (Fahie 2014). When an employee got the employment in organization, he or she should not work in more than one place which is unethical and illegal employment. In the workplace discrimination of the other employees is another important ethical dilemma. An employee never discriminates another employee according to their gender, race, sex, marriage, disability or anything (Vardaman, Gondo and Allen 2014). Bullying in the workplace is never acceptable and against of ethics of the employment (Lachman, 2014). Values discussion Morality and value of ethical conduct both are difficult to maintain for the employees when they need to choose between the work ethics and their personal ethics principles. When the employers implemented the ethics policies in the workplace sometimes they failed to maintain such ethics which cause potential conflicts of interest with the employees due to the diversity of opinion values and the cultures in the workplace (Vardaman, Gondo and Allen 2014). So for consoling in both sides the employees must follow particular ethical principles for avoiding such dilemmas when such issues arise. Therefore the employees first identify the issues which cause the problem to that employee in the workplace (Lachman, 2014). According to the issues, the employee must apply the legal ethical guidelines or the code of contacts as per the constitution of the company after the identification of the ethical issues. The employee should make a decision which not affect his or her career and make no harm to other employees in the workplace. Therefore they implement the course of actions which should determine the nature and dimension of the dilemma (Fahie 2014). Sometimes the ethical issues has found from the employers of the companies they make the favoritism where the only favored or a particular person get all the emotions and benefits from the company. While due to this activity the eligible employee got neglected by the employer (Lachman, 2014). When in the office premises any health issues or diseases occur then it is the duty of the employer that they will take care of the employees. According to the environment situation of the office premises it also affect on the health of the employees. Therefore the other employees can make the consideration according to their eligibility of the employment to the higher authority of the workplace. Sexual harassment is another illegal issue in the workplace where the employees get sexually harassed by the employer or other employee which is against of the ethical consideration. The suffered employee must complain and take legal action against that employee or the employer because they breach the ethical consideration of the workplace. When employees terminated from the workplace without having any notice then several question arises due to the decision of the management of the companies therefore the terminated employee can ask for the proper reason for the termination and should provide with a prior indication and provide notice at least for 1 month because in between this one month that employee can get another job (Vardaman, Gondo and Allen 2014). Ethical questions and solutions In the workplace if any employee was bullying by another employee then it is necessary to take actions against that employee which is the ethical dilemma in the workplace. If any woman was sexually harassed by another employee of the employer therefore she should complain against that person and take legal action for the ethical issues in the workplace (Lachman, 2014). Disability is other important ethical issues in the workplace when someone works in the office with their disabilities some other employees take the advantages while bullying that person or disturbing or making fun of the disability (Vardaman, Gondo and Allen 2014). Therefore the authority of the company or the workplace should take legal action against those employees and that disable person also make the complaint against the employees because discrimination in the workplace is completely against of the Constitution of the company (Fahie 2014). Conclusion Ethical issues are most common in the companies for the employees are affected by such issues. Several committees and councils are introduced in the companies where the employees can make the complaint against any ethical issues and the company will take appropriate actions against such activities because ethical consideration is one of the important parts in the workplace. It is a breach of ethical duties in the workplaces (Vardaman, Gondo and Allen 2014). References Chughtai, A.A., 2015. Creating safer workplaces: The role of ethical leadership. Safety science, 73, pp.92-98. Clarke, T. and Boersma, M., 2017. The governance of global value chains: unresolved human rights, environmental and ethical dilemmas in the apple supply chain. Journal of Business Ethics, 143(1), pp.111-131. Fahie, D., 2014. Doing sensitive research sensitively: Ethical and methodological issues in researching workplace bullying. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 13(1), pp.19-36. 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